Sanding systems

Flex Trim offers unique and individually combined sanding systems for stationary and hand-held machines.

By using Flex Trim brush sanding system you will win a number of benefits:

  • Improved and uniform surface quality
  • Optimized production
  • Longer lifetime of sanding materials
  • Lower energy consumption
  • Reduced consumption of lacquer (or another surface treatment)

Flex Trim works out individual solutions, which means that the company is characterised by delivering a whole solution – guidance, service, installation and an optimum sanding result.

Where can Flex Trim be used?

Flex Trim’s unique sanding system can be installed in almost every machine as long as it is equipped with a shaft and a frequency controlled motor, which is a determining factor in securing the right speed (RPM).

This means that the customer usually can use existing machines and in that way save investments in new machines

What kind of tasks are we able to work out?

With Flex Trim all sanding tasks can be worked out – on both wood, metal, plastics and composites – in profiles, on edges and surfaces, however it is about polishing, aggressive sanding or just an ordinary intermediate – or wood sanding.